Spinning, Spinning, Spinning
and spinning some more. Well, the holidays are over and today I plunge back into my way too busy life, but no teaching just quite yet due to a bout of strep throat, yuck! I spent the entire weekend spinning. Next weekend is guild weekend and I have contractual spinning to complete on top of a yarn swap.
The cool picture is of 320 yards of handspun in 16, 20 yard skeins. You may have noticed the color and may have thought "for someone who claims to not like pink, she sure does a lot of pink." The reason for this is I have 15 POUNDS of this particular roving, which is perfectly good, in fact very lovely medium weight wool, that came back from the mill pink and purple instead of red and purple. The over dying will be starting soon. I am looking on this as a learning experience. The really good thing about the yarn exchange is that I get to trade pink yarn for non-pink yarn.

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