Am I a compulsive joiner?
Probably. I did actually give some thought to this, though, I want to make sure that all of the things that I do are deliberate and fall in with my new focus. The first thing that I joined was Runagogo
. My hope is that the goal and encouragement (which is really awesome, go on, look at blog, you'll see what I mean), will be enough to get my butt off the couch and out the door. This is definitely in line with "live with less" (less butt hopefully). Thanks to Carole for also being a joiner, then writing about it 'cause that's where I saw this one.

The second thing I joined was holiday headstart , who sadly, doesn't have a button. This KAL is all about getting ready for Christmas way, way ahead of time. I haven't really knit things for Christmas, mostly, because it gets to be November and I realize Christmas is just around the corner and I haven't even thought about gifts. This also falls in with "live with less" especially if I knit out of my stash. Thanks to Abigail who showed me the way to this particular KAL.
The third thing I joined was The Organized Elf, (again, no button). Ok, we are going to have a very crafty Christmas next year, and hopefully a less expensive one too. This really speaks to both of my goals. Using up what I have and being more organized so I don't go out and buy stuff I already have, or don't need.
Wow, all this joining makes me feel invigorated, I think I'll go for a walk (2 miles down, 98 to go.)
Wow, all this joining makes me feel invigorated, I think I'll go for a walk (2 miles down, 98 to go.)
I'm working on a button, lol! I moved over to typepad, so here is the new Elf blog: xx
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