And now back to our regularly scheduled knitting...
I love boxing day, of course we don't celebrate it as such in the U.S. but I love it. I love it because the entire month of December is like a snowball, you know the kind you see in cartoons. It starts out really small and slow and it grows and grows swallowing everything it its path until, boom it explodes at the bottom of the mountain. Christmas is the boom, boxing day is the sitting up taking a breath and making sure that all of the essential parts are still there. Now, don't get me wrong I love Christmas but it always get just a little insane.
Christmas Goodness
I got few gifts this year which is fine, because I got what I really wanted this year, the gift of better breathing via an air purifier. I also got a great needle storage container, knitting stitch book and my husband completely surprised me with an ipod!!! I have been listening to a lot of knitting podcasts lately and he noticed. He is totally my hero.
The buffalo
I'd just thought I'd share: my husband has this dream of one day owning a bison farm, so for Christmas I got him this:
It is a needle felted ornament, and I must say the hit of the party (he's anatomically correct) . He's made by a Michigan based company called AuGres Sheep Factory that looks really neat. I bought him at my favorite LYS, Neighborhood Knits.
And if that wasn't enough:
As we were falling asleep last night a little voice comes wafting into our room. "Mommy my tooth came out" Really, the tooth fairy and Santa Claus on the same day, does it get any better?

I love boxing day, of course we don't celebrate it as such in the U.S. but I love it. I love it because the entire month of December is like a snowball, you know the kind you see in cartoons. It starts out really small and slow and it grows and grows swallowing everything it its path until, boom it explodes at the bottom of the mountain. Christmas is the boom, boxing day is the sitting up taking a breath and making sure that all of the essential parts are still there. Now, don't get me wrong I love Christmas but it always get just a little insane.
Christmas Goodness
I got few gifts this year which is fine, because I got what I really wanted this year, the gift of better breathing via an air purifier. I also got a great needle storage container, knitting stitch book and my husband completely surprised me with an ipod!!! I have been listening to a lot of knitting podcasts lately and he noticed. He is totally my hero.
The buffalo
I'd just thought I'd share: my husband has this dream of one day owning a bison farm, so for Christmas I got him this:

And if that wasn't enough:
As we were falling asleep last night a little voice comes wafting into our room. "Mommy my tooth came out" Really, the tooth fairy and Santa Claus on the same day, does it get any better?

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