Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm Dead

Not Really, only in the world of sock wars . On the up side this means that I now own a really comfy pair of socks, my assasin was kind enough to include the purple sock award for valor. I sent my almost finished socks to her but forgot to photograph them before they left. Now I am feeling bereft, (although I do have warm feet). I don't know what project to work on next. Maybe I'll pick up the hockey sweater again.

September is always such a busy time. I know this so I should prepare during the summer months, but somehow that never happens. Anyway we had a great time at the Fall Fleece Fair in Chelsea Michigan a couple of weeks ago and now we are off to Northern Michigan. It should prove to be a lovely fall weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just when things couldn't get any worse....
They usually do, don't they. Well I'm on my 4th day of antibioticis for strep throat. A gift from the wonderful students of public school. I actually got a subbing assignment (woohoo). They have been calling for weeks I just couldn't get the new system to work for me. But since they keep calling, apearently I'm not the only one.
Onto happier, fiber-related subjects.
I can spin, let me say it again I can spin!! Yeaaaa. After a month's hiatus I got the ole wheel out of moth balls and gave it my best one-two, and it didn't hurt. (I actually tried to spin a couple of weeks ago and it most definitly did hurt.) I was so excited. I took the three bobbins on my wheel and plied them together. I think that I had plans for this but it had been so long that I had forgot what I wanted to do with it. This weekend is the Fall Fleece Fair. I have spent this week prepareing inventory.

Yarn, yarn and more yarn to tag today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back Again

I am back again writing after what could possibly be the worst month of my life. It started with a job interview (actually had 2 during the month, didn't get either job) which did not go well. Then the next day I sprained both of my ankles at my brother's wedding. Now a question that I have been getting asked a lot lately is: How do you sprain both ankles? It takes talent, skill a small flight of stairs and some bad luck. So, I went to my doctor for a follow up visit for the ankles he wanted to take some x-rays. As a precaution, if there is any chance, they take a pregnancy test. Yup we were pregnant (yea, joyous jubulation, we have been trying to have a second child for 5 years). Did it last? Naaah, miscarried a week and a half later. Then on my way to the Ob/Gyn I got the mail and found that our house was in forclosure. Needless to say I have not had the inclination to do much more than curl up in the fetal position and cry a lot. On the up side school is starting. It is a new day and God is still good, but then He always is.

More later...hopefully about knitting and spinning.