Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Knit a River

Well, the plan for today is to bind off and mail off to England my little piece (or peace) of knit a river. This is a knitted petition, or spectacle as they put it, to show world leaders that people care about having safe water for the whole world. A pretty lofty goal I thought, but then I thought about one of my favorite movies/miniseries Dinotopia (don't laugh, its a little cheesy, but has a good message), where someone, and I don't remember who says "one drop raises the ocean". So here is my drop in the fight for water.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Last Saturday I went to Convergence. Now, I am only a dabbler in the art of weaving. I do own a couple of inkle looms, a rigid heddle, and I do like the weavette, but I have never managed to actually produce anything of value on these small smattering of looms. So why go to a weaving conference? To spin, of course, and shop. I went to demo spinning with some others from Spinners Flock. The beauty of this is that we could go into the vendor area and shop, woohoo. I purchased a beautiful spindle from Jim Hokett of Hokett Would Work, some natural dye, some not so natural dye, some yarn from Louet (some of which I think I'm going to make into hats for the Afghans for Afghans project) , and some silk to try dying, (keep an eye on sheeptosweater.com for the outcome). It was really neat to see all of the people there and all of the beautiful things that they were making/selling.

Today's plan is to dye, dye, dye, and mow the grass.