Tasty Tuesday

I did it, Yea! I made something new and exciting for my family for dinner. I was looking for something to do with left over turkey, and found it. This is the Pampered Chef's turkey cranberry holiday wreath if you are interested the recipie is here. It looks really spiffy, but is not actually that hard.

I thought that the pre-stuffed wreath looked really pretty, like a star.
Here is the finished product. I served it with green beans. It got a big thumbs up from the husband, but just a lackluster "can I have more green beans" response from the daughter. I thought it was very tasty.

Fiber content:
Well, knit unto others is done for this year. I didn't win any of the cool prizes. What I did win is the good feeling that happens when you help someone else. I also won a new habit. The habit of knitting for charity. I am almost done with my second hat, I am into the second decreases. Here is a picture:
I did finally cast on my sample (pics and more on Thursday), and I need to finish the pink socks. I have no spinning to report, because I am just too busy knitting.

Labels: cooking, knitting, knitting for charity
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