Thursday, November 23, 2006

10 Things I'm thankful for
In no particular order
1. My beautiful daughter, my gift from God and my husband who puts up with all my eccentricities with grace.
2. The essentials, you know, a roof over my head, water to drink, air to breathe and food in my belly.
3. The ability to teach and the opportunity to do so.
4. Freedom and those who protect it.
5. Health, the doctors and medicines that preserve it.
6. A decent singing voice and those who don't complain when it goes off key.
7. Employment and the feeling of usefulness and money that it brings.
8. Friends and family near and far.
9. All kinds of fibery goodness and the joy that it bring to me.
10 The ability to read and the availability of good books.

I hope that you have a very happy thanksgiving.
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