Thursday, November 16, 2006

Teaching Thursday (no fiber content)
I thought that even though this is primarily a fiber blog that once a week it might be nice to talk about my other great passion teaching. Right now I am substitute teaching, although I am certified (and certifiable?) and looking for a job. So I thought I would take a few moment to list the
advantages of substitute teaching.
1. Really, really flexible schedule (if don't want to work for any reason don't answer the phone, although one really must be careful, if you don't answer the phone too much, they stop calling.) and summers off.
2. Get to meet interesting people (students and staff alike)
3. If some of the interesting students or administration give you grief then you don't have to go back.
4. You get to see schools that you child may some day go to in way that the average, innocent public doesn't (yes there is a reason why My child doesn't go to public school).
5 You get to see how other teachers run their classrooms and what does and doesn't work.

Overall subbing really isn't a bad deal, good hours, decent pay. I've been doing it for 5 years and have only minor psychological scarring. I really want my own classroom, but as long as I am doing this I will do it to the best of my ability and share with you all the happiness and trials that go with it (but just on Thursdays don't worry, more fibery goodness comming up)

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