Black and White Bathroom

I am trying to paint my black and white bathroom. This is the second time I've done it since moving into the house three years ago. It's not that I don't like the color, or lack thereof. It's that I Do like taking warm, OK hot showers, which produce steam, which does nasty things to paint, and apparently wall paper glue. So I am industriously scraping paint, like a good little painter when I notice that the wall paper (see top picture) is slightly curled at the top. Well I decided to see what would happen if I tugged a little bit. Whoosh off came the whole sheet of wall paper. An hour and two walls later I had just increased my painting job by half.
Then came the hard part, the trip to Lowes. I decided that I had done this before, no problem, I'll go by myself and get what I need. I knew I needed Spackle, a roller, and some paint, white in color. Ok my knowledge base and the diverse range of stuff that goes into painting a wall is way, way, way different, like grass hut in the wilderness verses a big city penthouse different. So I am looking at the 7 different kinds of Spackle and other assorted goops that look like they might work with absolutely no clue about what to do. So being the open-minded, twenty-first century woman, what do I do? Call my husband, who knows a lot more about this than I ever want to, really. So I give him all the different names, (by the way glazing, not just for donuts), and he directs me to the one I need to purchase, I thank him and hang up the phone. Then I go over to the rollers, now one would think, one roller is the same as any other, Wrong! Five different kind of rollers, in various sizes and degrees of fluffiness. So I whip out the cell phone again. "How big is the roller" he tells me, "How fluffy do you think I need to get?" "How, what?" "How fluffy, you know some are more pouffy than others" big sigh from husband and the big burly contractor looking guy looking at the scrapers down the aisle didn't actually roll his eyes, but I could tell he wanted to. "Whatever you think looks good" was the reply on the other end of the phone. So I got a medium fluffy roller and a can of paint, not white though. I am so very, very cheap and the mistake paint was half the price of the plain white paint, so I bought a gallon of slate blue paint and some tape and away I went. The bathroom is now spackled and primed. Now I just need to paint and make a black white and blue bathroom.

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